  * @file    stm32f4xx_hal_dma.h
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @brief   Header file of DMA HAL module.
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  *                        opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32F4xx_HAL_DMA_H
#define __STM32F4xx_HAL_DMA_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f4xx_hal_def.h"

/** @addtogroup STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver
  * @{

/** @addtogroup DMA
  * @{

/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/

/** @defgroup DMA_Exported_Types DMA Exported Types
  * @brief    DMA Exported Types 
  * @{
  * @brief  DMA Configuration Structure definition
typedef struct
  uint32_t Channel;              /*!< Specifies the channel used for the specified stream. 
                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref DMA_Channel_selection                    */

  uint32_t Direction;            /*!< Specifies if the data will be transferred from memory to peripheral, 
                                      from memory to memory or from peripheral to memory.
                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref DMA_Data_transfer_direction              */

  uint32_t PeriphInc;            /*!< Specifies whether the Peripheral address register should be incremented or not.
                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref DMA_Peripheral_incremented_mode          */

  uint32_t MemInc;               /*!< Specifies whether the memory address register should be incremented or not.
                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref DMA_Memory_incremented_mode              */

  uint32_t PeriphDataAlignment;  /*!< Specifies the Peripheral data width.
                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref DMA_Peripheral_data_size                 */

  uint32_t MemDataAlignment;     /*!< Specifies the Memory data width.
                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref DMA_Memory_data_size                     */

  uint32_t Mode;                 /*!< Specifies the operation mode of the DMAy Streamx.
                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref DMA_mode
                                      @note The circular buffer mode cannot be used if the memory-to-memory
                                            data transfer is configured on the selected Stream                        */

  uint32_t Priority;             /*!< Specifies the software priority for the DMAy Streamx.
                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref DMA_Priority_level                       */

  uint32_t FIFOMode;             /*!< Specifies if the FIFO mode or Direct mode will be used for the specified stream.
                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref DMA_FIFO_direct_mode
                                      @note The Direct mode (FIFO mode disabled) cannot be used if the 
                                            memory-to-memory data transfer is configured on the selected stream       */

  uint32_t FIFOThreshold;        /*!< Specifies the FIFO threshold level.
                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref DMA_FIFO_threshold_level                  */

  uint32_t MemBurst;             /*!< Specifies the Burst transfer configuration for the memory transfers. 
                                      It specifies the amount of data to be transferred in a single non interruptible
                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref DMA_Memory_burst 
                                      @note The burst mode is possible only if the address Increment mode is enabled. */

  uint32_t PeriphBurst;          /*!< Specifies the Burst transfer configuration for the peripheral transfers. 
                                      It specifies the amount of data to be transferred in a single non interruptible 
                                      This parameter can be a value of @ref DMA_Peripheral_burst
                                      @note The burst mode is possible only if the address Increment mode is enabled. */

  * @brief  HAL DMA State structures definition
typedef enum
  HAL_DMA_STATE_RESET             = 0x00U,  /*!< DMA not yet initialized or disabled */
  HAL_DMA_STATE_READY             = 0x01U,  /*!< DMA initialized and ready for use   */
  HAL_DMA_STATE_BUSY              = 0x02U,  /*!< DMA process is ongoing              */
  HAL_DMA_STATE_TIMEOUT           = 0x03U,  /*!< DMA timeout state                   */
  HAL_DMA_STATE_ERROR             = 0x04U,  /*!< DMA error state                     */
  HAL_DMA_STATE_ABORT             = 0x05U,  /*!< DMA Abort state                     */

  * @brief  HAL DMA Error Code structure definition
typedef enum
  HAL_DMA_FULL_TRANSFER           = 0x00U,  /*!< Full transfer     */
  HAL_DMA_HALF_TRANSFER           = 0x01U   /*!< Half Transfer     */

  * @brief  HAL DMA Error Code structure definition
typedef enum
  HAL_DMA_XFER_CPLT_CB_ID         = 0x00U,  /*!< Full transfer     */
  HAL_DMA_XFER_HALFCPLT_CB_ID     = 0x01U,  /*!< Half Transfer     */
  HAL_DMA_XFER_M1CPLT_CB_ID       = 0x02U,  /*!< M1 Full Transfer  */
  HAL_DMA_XFER_M1HALFCPLT_CB_ID   = 0x03U,  /*!< M1 Half Transfer  */
  HAL_DMA_XFER_ERROR_CB_ID        = 0x04U,  /*!< Error             */
  HAL_DMA_XFER_ABORT_CB_ID        = 0x05U,  /*!< Abort             */
  HAL_DMA_XFER_ALL_CB_ID          = 0x06U   /*!< All               */

  * @brief  DMA handle Structure definition
typedef struct __DMA_HandleTypeDef
  DMA_Stream_TypeDef         *Instance;                                                        /*!< Register base address                  */

  DMA_InitTypeDef            Init;                                                             /*!< DMA communication parameters           */ 

  HAL_LockTypeDef            Lock;                                                             /*!< DMA locking object                     */  

  __IO HAL_DMA_StateTypeDef  State;                                                            /*!< DMA transfer state                     */

  void                       *Parent;                                                          /*!< Parent object state                    */ 

  void                       (* XferCpltCallback)( struct __DMA_HandleTypeDef * hdma);         /*!< DMA transfer complete callback         */

  void                       (* XferHalfCpltCallback)( struct __DMA_HandleTypeDef * hdma);     /*!< DMA Half transfer complete callback    */

  void                       (* XferM1CpltCallback)( struct __DMA_HandleTypeDef * hdma);       /*!< DMA transfer complete Memory1 callback */
  void                       (* XferM1HalfCpltCallback)( struct __DMA_HandleTypeDef * hdma);   /*!< DMA transfer Half complete Memory1 callback */
  void                       (* XferErrorCallback)( struct __DMA_HandleTypeDef * hdma);        /*!< DMA transfer error callback            */
  void                       (* XferAbortCallback)( struct __DMA_HandleTypeDef * hdma);        /*!< DMA transfer Abort callback            */  

  __IO uint32_t              ErrorCode;                                                        /*!< DMA Error code                          */
  uint32_t                   StreamBaseAddress;                                                /*!< DMA Stream Base Address                */

  uint32_t                   StreamIndex;                                                      /*!< DMA Stream Index                       */

  * @}

/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/

/** @defgroup DMA_Exported_Constants DMA Exported Constants
  * @brief    DMA Exported constants 
  * @{

/** @defgroup DMA_Error_Code DMA Error Code
  * @brief    DMA Error Code 
  * @{
#define HAL_DMA_ERROR_NONE            0x00000000U    /*!< No error                               */
#define HAL_DMA_ERROR_TE              0x00000001U    /*!< Transfer error                         */
#define HAL_DMA_ERROR_FE              0x00000002U    /*!< FIFO error                             */
#define HAL_DMA_ERROR_DME             0x00000004U    /*!< Direct Mode error                      */
#define HAL_DMA_ERROR_TIMEOUT         0x00000020U    /*!< Timeout error                          */
#define HAL_DMA_ERROR_PARAM           0x00000040U    /*!< Parameter error                        */
#define HAL_DMA_ERROR_NO_XFER         0x00000080U    /*!< Abort requested with no Xfer ongoing   */
#define HAL_DMA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED   0x00000100U    /*!< Not supported mode                     */
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_Channel_selection DMA Channel selection
  * @brief    DMA channel selection 
  * @{
#define DMA_CHANNEL_0                 0x00000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 0 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_1                 0x02000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 1 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_2                 0x04000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 2 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_3                 0x06000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 3 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_4                 0x08000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 4 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_5                 0x0A000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 5 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_6                 0x0C000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 6 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_7                 0x0E000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 7 */
#if defined (DMA_SxCR_CHSEL_3)
#define DMA_CHANNEL_8                 0x10000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 8 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_9                 0x12000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 9 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_10                0x14000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 10 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_11                0x16000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 11 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_12                0x18000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 12 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_13                0x1A000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 13 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_14                0x1C000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 14 */
#define DMA_CHANNEL_15                0x1E000000U    /*!< DMA Channel 15 */
#endif /* DMA_SxCR_CHSEL_3 */
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_Data_transfer_direction DMA Data transfer direction
  * @brief    DMA data transfer direction 
  * @{
#define DMA_PERIPH_TO_MEMORY          0x00000000U                 /*!< Peripheral to memory direction */
#define DMA_MEMORY_TO_PERIPH          ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_DIR_0)  /*!< Memory to peripheral direction */
#define DMA_MEMORY_TO_MEMORY          ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_DIR_1)  /*!< Memory to memory direction     */
  * @}
/** @defgroup DMA_Peripheral_incremented_mode DMA Peripheral incremented mode
  * @brief    DMA peripheral incremented mode 
  * @{
#define DMA_PINC_ENABLE               ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_PINC)   /*!< Peripheral increment mode enable  */
#define DMA_PINC_DISABLE              0x00000000U                 /*!< Peripheral increment mode disable */
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_Memory_incremented_mode DMA Memory incremented mode
  * @brief    DMA memory incremented mode 
  * @{
#define DMA_MINC_ENABLE               ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_MINC)   /*!< Memory increment mode enable  */
#define DMA_MINC_DISABLE              0x00000000U                 /*!< Memory increment mode disable */
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_Peripheral_data_size DMA Peripheral data size
  * @brief    DMA peripheral data size 
  * @{
#define DMA_PDATAALIGN_BYTE           0x00000000U                  /*!< Peripheral data alignment: Byte     */
#define DMA_PDATAALIGN_HALFWORD       ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_PSIZE_0) /*!< Peripheral data alignment: HalfWord */
#define DMA_PDATAALIGN_WORD           ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_PSIZE_1) /*!< Peripheral data alignment: Word     */
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_Memory_data_size DMA Memory data size
  * @brief    DMA memory data size 
  * @{ 
#define DMA_MDATAALIGN_BYTE           0x00000000U                  /*!< Memory data alignment: Byte     */
#define DMA_MDATAALIGN_HALFWORD       ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_MSIZE_0) /*!< Memory data alignment: HalfWord */
#define DMA_MDATAALIGN_WORD           ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_MSIZE_1) /*!< Memory data alignment: Word     */
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_mode DMA mode
  * @brief    DMA mode 
  * @{
#define DMA_NORMAL                    0x00000000U                  /*!< Normal mode                  */
#define DMA_CIRCULAR                  ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_CIRC)    /*!< Circular mode                */
#define DMA_PFCTRL                    ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_PFCTRL)  /*!< Peripheral flow control mode */
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_Priority_level DMA Priority level
  * @brief    DMA priority levels 
  * @{
#define DMA_PRIORITY_LOW              0x00000000U                 /*!< Priority level: Low       */
#define DMA_PRIORITY_MEDIUM           ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_PL_0)   /*!< Priority level: Medium    */
#define DMA_PRIORITY_HIGH             ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_PL_1)   /*!< Priority level: High      */
#define DMA_PRIORITY_VERY_HIGH        ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_PL)     /*!< Priority level: Very High */
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_FIFO_direct_mode DMA FIFO direct mode
  * @brief    DMA FIFO direct mode
  * @{
#define DMA_FIFOMODE_DISABLE          0x00000000U                 /*!< FIFO mode disable */
#define DMA_FIFOMODE_ENABLE           ((uint32_t)DMA_SxFCR_DMDIS) /*!< FIFO mode enable  */
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_FIFO_threshold_level DMA FIFO threshold level
  * @brief    DMA FIFO level 
  * @{
#define DMA_FIFO_THRESHOLD_1QUARTERFULL       0x00000000U                  /*!< FIFO threshold 1 quart full configuration  */
#define DMA_FIFO_THRESHOLD_HALFFULL           ((uint32_t)DMA_SxFCR_FTH_0)  /*!< FIFO threshold half full configuration     */
#define DMA_FIFO_THRESHOLD_3QUARTERSFULL      ((uint32_t)DMA_SxFCR_FTH_1)  /*!< FIFO threshold 3 quarts full configuration */
#define DMA_FIFO_THRESHOLD_FULL               ((uint32_t)DMA_SxFCR_FTH)    /*!< FIFO threshold full configuration          */
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_Memory_burst DMA Memory burst
  * @brief    DMA memory burst 
  * @{
#define DMA_MBURST_SINGLE             0x00000000U
#define DMA_MBURST_INC4               ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_MBURST_0)  
#define DMA_MBURST_INC8               ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_MBURST_1)  
#define DMA_MBURST_INC16              ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_MBURST)  
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_Peripheral_burst DMA Peripheral burst
  * @brief    DMA peripheral burst 
  * @{
#define DMA_PBURST_SINGLE             0x00000000U
#define DMA_PBURST_INC4               ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_PBURST_0)
#define DMA_PBURST_INC8               ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_PBURST_1)
#define DMA_PBURST_INC16              ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_PBURST)
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_interrupt_enable_definitions DMA interrupt enable definitions
  * @brief    DMA interrupts definition 
  * @{
#define DMA_IT_TC                     ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_TCIE)
#define DMA_IT_HT                     ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_HTIE)
#define DMA_IT_TE                     ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_TEIE)
#define DMA_IT_DME                    ((uint32_t)DMA_SxCR_DMEIE)
#define DMA_IT_FE                     0x00000080U
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_flag_definitions DMA flag definitions
  * @brief    DMA flag definitions 
  * @{
#define DMA_FLAG_FEIF0_4              0x00000001U
#define DMA_FLAG_DMEIF0_4             0x00000004U
#define DMA_FLAG_TEIF0_4              0x00000008U
#define DMA_FLAG_HTIF0_4              0x00000010U
#define DMA_FLAG_TCIF0_4              0x00000020U
#define DMA_FLAG_FEIF1_5              0x00000040U
#define DMA_FLAG_DMEIF1_5             0x00000100U
#define DMA_FLAG_TEIF1_5              0x00000200U
#define DMA_FLAG_HTIF1_5              0x00000400U
#define DMA_FLAG_TCIF1_5              0x00000800U
#define DMA_FLAG_FEIF2_6              0x00010000U
#define DMA_FLAG_DMEIF2_6             0x00040000U
#define DMA_FLAG_TEIF2_6              0x00080000U
#define DMA_FLAG_HTIF2_6              0x00100000U
#define DMA_FLAG_TCIF2_6              0x00200000U
#define DMA_FLAG_FEIF3_7              0x00400000U
#define DMA_FLAG_DMEIF3_7             0x01000000U
#define DMA_FLAG_TEIF3_7              0x02000000U
#define DMA_FLAG_HTIF3_7              0x04000000U
#define DMA_FLAG_TCIF3_7              0x08000000U
  * @}

  * @}
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/

/** @brief Reset DMA handle state
  * @param  __HANDLE__ specifies the DMA handle.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Return the current DMA Stream FIFO filled level.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @retval The FIFO filling state.
  *           - DMA_FIFOStatus_Less1QuarterFull: when FIFO is less than 1 quarter-full 
  *                                              and not empty.
  *           - DMA_FIFOStatus_1QuarterFull: if more than 1 quarter-full.
  *           - DMA_FIFOStatus_HalfFull: if more than 1 half-full.
  *           - DMA_FIFOStatus_3QuartersFull: if more than 3 quarters-full.
  *           - DMA_FIFOStatus_Empty: when FIFO is empty
  *           - DMA_FIFOStatus_Full: when FIFO is full
#define __HAL_DMA_GET_FS(__HANDLE__)      (((__HANDLE__)->Instance->FCR & (DMA_SxFCR_FS)))

  * @brief  Enable the specified DMA Stream.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_DMA_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)      ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR |=  DMA_SxCR_EN)

  * @brief  Disable the specified DMA Stream.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_DMA_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)     ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR &=  ~DMA_SxCR_EN)

/* Interrupt & Flag management */

  * @brief  Return the current DMA Stream transfer complete flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @retval The specified transfer complete flag index.
(((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream0))? DMA_FLAG_TCIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream0))? DMA_FLAG_TCIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream4))? DMA_FLAG_TCIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream4))? DMA_FLAG_TCIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream1))? DMA_FLAG_TCIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream1))? DMA_FLAG_TCIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream5))? DMA_FLAG_TCIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream5))? DMA_FLAG_TCIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream2))? DMA_FLAG_TCIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream2))? DMA_FLAG_TCIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream6))? DMA_FLAG_TCIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream6))? DMA_FLAG_TCIF2_6 :\

  * @brief  Return the current DMA Stream half transfer complete flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @retval The specified half transfer complete flag index.
(((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream0))? DMA_FLAG_HTIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream0))? DMA_FLAG_HTIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream4))? DMA_FLAG_HTIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream4))? DMA_FLAG_HTIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream1))? DMA_FLAG_HTIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream1))? DMA_FLAG_HTIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream5))? DMA_FLAG_HTIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream5))? DMA_FLAG_HTIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream2))? DMA_FLAG_HTIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream2))? DMA_FLAG_HTIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream6))? DMA_FLAG_HTIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream6))? DMA_FLAG_HTIF2_6 :\

  * @brief  Return the current DMA Stream transfer error flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @retval The specified transfer error flag index.
(((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream0))? DMA_FLAG_TEIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream0))? DMA_FLAG_TEIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream4))? DMA_FLAG_TEIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream4))? DMA_FLAG_TEIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream1))? DMA_FLAG_TEIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream1))? DMA_FLAG_TEIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream5))? DMA_FLAG_TEIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream5))? DMA_FLAG_TEIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream2))? DMA_FLAG_TEIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream2))? DMA_FLAG_TEIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream6))? DMA_FLAG_TEIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream6))? DMA_FLAG_TEIF2_6 :\

  * @brief  Return the current DMA Stream FIFO error flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @retval The specified FIFO error flag index.
(((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream0))? DMA_FLAG_FEIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream0))? DMA_FLAG_FEIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream4))? DMA_FLAG_FEIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream4))? DMA_FLAG_FEIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream1))? DMA_FLAG_FEIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream1))? DMA_FLAG_FEIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream5))? DMA_FLAG_FEIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream5))? DMA_FLAG_FEIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream2))? DMA_FLAG_FEIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream2))? DMA_FLAG_FEIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream6))? DMA_FLAG_FEIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream6))? DMA_FLAG_FEIF2_6 :\

  * @brief  Return the current DMA Stream direct mode error flag.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @retval The specified direct mode error flag index.
(((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream0))? DMA_FLAG_DMEIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream0))? DMA_FLAG_DMEIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream4))? DMA_FLAG_DMEIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream4))? DMA_FLAG_DMEIF0_4 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream1))? DMA_FLAG_DMEIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream1))? DMA_FLAG_DMEIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream5))? DMA_FLAG_DMEIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream5))? DMA_FLAG_DMEIF1_5 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream2))? DMA_FLAG_DMEIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream2))? DMA_FLAG_DMEIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA1_Stream6))? DMA_FLAG_DMEIF2_6 :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) == ((uint32_t)DMA2_Stream6))? DMA_FLAG_DMEIF2_6 :\

  * @brief  Get the DMA Stream pending flags.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @param  __FLAG__ Get the specified flag.
  *          This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  *            @arg DMA_FLAG_TCIFx: Transfer complete flag.
  *            @arg DMA_FLAG_HTIFx: Half transfer complete flag.
  *            @arg DMA_FLAG_TEIFx: Transfer error flag.
  *            @arg DMA_FLAG_DMEIFx: Direct mode error flag.
  *            @arg DMA_FLAG_FEIFx: FIFO error flag.
  *         Where x can be 0_4, 1_5, 2_6 or 3_7 to select the DMA Stream flag.   
  * @retval The state of FLAG (SET or RESET).
#define __HAL_DMA_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)\
(((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) > (uint32_t)DMA2_Stream3)? (DMA2->HISR & (__FLAG__)) :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) > (uint32_t)DMA1_Stream7)? (DMA2->LISR & (__FLAG__)) :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) > (uint32_t)DMA1_Stream3)? (DMA1->HISR & (__FLAG__)) : (DMA1->LISR & (__FLAG__)))

  * @brief  Clear the DMA Stream pending flags.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @param  __FLAG__ specifies the flag to clear.
  *          This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  *            @arg DMA_FLAG_TCIFx: Transfer complete flag.
  *            @arg DMA_FLAG_HTIFx: Half transfer complete flag.
  *            @arg DMA_FLAG_TEIFx: Transfer error flag.
  *            @arg DMA_FLAG_DMEIFx: Direct mode error flag.
  *            @arg DMA_FLAG_FEIFx: FIFO error flag.
  *         Where x can be 0_4, 1_5, 2_6 or 3_7 to select the DMA Stream flag.   
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_DMA_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__) \
(((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) > (uint32_t)DMA2_Stream3)? (DMA2->HIFCR = (__FLAG__)) :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) > (uint32_t)DMA1_Stream7)? (DMA2->LIFCR = (__FLAG__)) :\
 ((uint32_t)((__HANDLE__)->Instance) > (uint32_t)DMA1_Stream3)? (DMA1->HIFCR = (__FLAG__)) : (DMA1->LIFCR = (__FLAG__)))

  * @brief  Enable the specified DMA Stream interrupts.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @param  __INTERRUPT__ specifies the DMA interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled. 
  *        This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  *           @arg DMA_IT_TC: Transfer complete interrupt mask.
  *           @arg DMA_IT_HT: Half transfer complete interrupt mask.
  *           @arg DMA_IT_TE: Transfer error interrupt mask.
  *           @arg DMA_IT_FE: FIFO error interrupt mask.
  *           @arg DMA_IT_DME: Direct mode error interrupt.
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_DMA_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)   (((__INTERRUPT__) != DMA_IT_FE)? \
((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR |= (__INTERRUPT__)) : ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->FCR |= (__INTERRUPT__)))

  * @brief  Disable the specified DMA Stream interrupts.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @param  __INTERRUPT__ specifies the DMA interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled. 
  *         This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  *            @arg DMA_IT_TC: Transfer complete interrupt mask.
  *            @arg DMA_IT_HT: Half transfer complete interrupt mask.
  *            @arg DMA_IT_TE: Transfer error interrupt mask.
  *            @arg DMA_IT_FE: FIFO error interrupt mask.
  *            @arg DMA_IT_DME: Direct mode error interrupt.
  * @retval None
((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR &= ~(__INTERRUPT__)) : ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->FCR &= ~(__INTERRUPT__)))

  * @brief  Check whether the specified DMA Stream interrupt is enabled or disabled.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @param  __INTERRUPT__ specifies the DMA interrupt source to check.
  *         This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *            @arg DMA_IT_TC: Transfer complete interrupt mask.
  *            @arg DMA_IT_HT: Half transfer complete interrupt mask.
  *            @arg DMA_IT_TE: Transfer error interrupt mask.
  *            @arg DMA_IT_FE: FIFO error interrupt mask.
  *            @arg DMA_IT_DME: Direct mode error interrupt.
  * @retval The state of DMA_IT.
                                                        ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR & (__INTERRUPT__)) : \
                                                        ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->FCR & (__INTERRUPT__)))

  * @brief  Writes the number of data units to be transferred on the DMA Stream.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @param  __COUNTER__ Number of data units to be transferred (from 0 to 65535) 
  *          Number of data items depends only on the Peripheral data format.
  * @note   If Peripheral data format is Bytes: number of data units is equal 
  *         to total number of bytes to be transferred.
  * @note   If Peripheral data format is Half-Word: number of data units is  
  *         equal to total number of bytes to be transferred / 2.
  * @note   If Peripheral data format is Word: number of data units is equal 
  *         to total  number of bytes to be transferred / 4.
  * @retval The number of remaining data units in the current DMAy Streamx transfer.
#define __HAL_DMA_SET_COUNTER(__HANDLE__, __COUNTER__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->NDTR = (uint16_t)(__COUNTER__))

  * @brief  Returns the number of remaining data units in the current DMAy Streamx transfer.
  * @param  __HANDLE__ DMA handle
  * @retval The number of remaining data units in the current DMA Stream transfer.
#define __HAL_DMA_GET_COUNTER(__HANDLE__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->NDTR)

/* Include DMA HAL Extension module */
#include "stm32f4xx_hal_dma_ex.h"   

/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/

/** @defgroup DMA_Exported_Functions DMA Exported Functions
  * @brief    DMA Exported functions 
  * @{

/** @defgroup DMA_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions
  * @brief   Initialization and de-initialization functions 
  * @{
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA_Init(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma); 
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA_DeInit(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_Exported_Functions_Group2 I/O operation functions
  * @brief   I/O operation functions  
  * @{
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA_Start (DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma, uint32_t SrcAddress, uint32_t DstAddress, uint32_t DataLength);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA_Start_IT(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma, uint32_t SrcAddress, uint32_t DstAddress, uint32_t DataLength);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA_Abort(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA_Abort_IT(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA_PollForTransfer(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma, HAL_DMA_LevelCompleteTypeDef CompleteLevel, uint32_t Timeout);
void              HAL_DMA_IRQHandler(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA_CleanCallbacks(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA_RegisterCallback(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma, HAL_DMA_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID, void (* pCallback)(DMA_HandleTypeDef *_hdma));
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA_UnRegisterCallback(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma, HAL_DMA_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID);

  * @}

/** @defgroup DMA_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral State functions
  * @brief    Peripheral State functions 
  * @{
HAL_DMA_StateTypeDef HAL_DMA_GetState(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
uint32_t             HAL_DMA_GetError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
  * @}
  * @}
/* Private Constants -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup DMA_Private_Constants DMA Private Constants
  * @brief    DMA private defines and constants 
  * @{
  * @}

/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup DMA_Private_Macros DMA Private Macros
  * @brief    DMA private macros 
  * @{
#if defined (DMA_SxCR_CHSEL_3)
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_1) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_2) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_3) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_4) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_5) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_6) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_7) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_8) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_9) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_10)|| \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_11)|| \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_12)|| \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_13)|| \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_14)|| \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_15))
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_1) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_2) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_3) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_4) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_5) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_6) || \
                                 ((CHANNEL) == DMA_CHANNEL_7))
#endif /* DMA_SxCR_CHSEL_3 */

                                     ((DIRECTION) == DMA_MEMORY_TO_PERIPH)  || \
                                     ((DIRECTION) == DMA_MEMORY_TO_MEMORY)) 

#define IS_DMA_BUFFER_SIZE(SIZE) (((SIZE) >= 0x01U) && ((SIZE) < 0x10000U))

                                            ((STATE) == DMA_PINC_DISABLE))

                                        ((STATE) == DMA_MINC_DISABLE))

                                           ((SIZE) == DMA_PDATAALIGN_HALFWORD) || \
                                           ((SIZE) == DMA_PDATAALIGN_WORD))

                                       ((SIZE) == DMA_MDATAALIGN_HALFWORD) || \
                                       ((SIZE) == DMA_MDATAALIGN_WORD ))

#define IS_DMA_MODE(MODE) (((MODE) == DMA_NORMAL )  || \
                           ((MODE) == DMA_CIRCULAR) || \
                           ((MODE) == DMA_PFCTRL)) 

                                   ((PRIORITY) == DMA_PRIORITY_MEDIUM) || \
                                   ((PRIORITY) == DMA_PRIORITY_HIGH)   || \
                                   ((PRIORITY) == DMA_PRIORITY_VERY_HIGH)) 

                                       ((STATE) == DMA_FIFOMODE_ENABLE))

                                          ((THRESHOLD) == DMA_FIFO_THRESHOLD_HALFFULL)      || \
                                          ((THRESHOLD) == DMA_FIFO_THRESHOLD_3QUARTERSFULL) || \
                                          ((THRESHOLD) == DMA_FIFO_THRESHOLD_FULL))

                                    ((BURST) == DMA_MBURST_INC4)   || \
                                    ((BURST) == DMA_MBURST_INC8)   || \
                                    ((BURST) == DMA_MBURST_INC16))

                                        ((BURST) == DMA_PBURST_INC4)   || \
                                        ((BURST) == DMA_PBURST_INC8)   || \
                                        ((BURST) == DMA_PBURST_INC16))
  * @}

/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup DMA_Private_Functions DMA Private Functions
  * @brief    DMA private  functions 
  * @{
  * @}

  * @}

  * @}

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __STM32F4xx_HAL_DMA_H */

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