/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @file : usbd_cdc_if.c * @version : v1.0_Cube * @brief : Usb device for Virtual Com Port. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * Copyright (c) 2025 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file * in the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* USER CODE END Header */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "usbd_cdc_if.h" /* USER CODE BEGIN INCLUDE */ /* USER CODE END INCLUDE */ /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN PV */ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE END PV */ /** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY * @brief Usb device library. * @{ */ /** @addtogroup USBD_CDC_IF * @{ */ /** @defgroup USBD_CDC_IF_Private_TypesDefinitions USBD_CDC_IF_Private_TypesDefinitions * @brief Private types. * @{ */ /* USER CODE BEGIN PRIVATE_TYPES */ /* USER CODE END PRIVATE_TYPES */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup USBD_CDC_IF_Private_Defines USBD_CDC_IF_Private_Defines * @brief Private defines. * @{ */ /* USER CODE BEGIN PRIVATE_DEFINES */ /* USER CODE END PRIVATE_DEFINES */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup USBD_CDC_IF_Private_Macros USBD_CDC_IF_Private_Macros * @brief Private macros. * @{ */ /* USER CODE BEGIN PRIVATE_MACRO */ /* USER CODE END PRIVATE_MACRO */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup USBD_CDC_IF_Private_Variables USBD_CDC_IF_Private_Variables * @brief Private variables. * @{ */ /* Create buffer for reception and transmission */ /* It's up to user to redefine and/or remove those define */ /** Received data over USB are stored in this buffer */ uint8_t UserRxBufferFS[APP_RX_DATA_SIZE]; /** Data to send over USB CDC are stored in this buffer */ uint8_t UserTxBufferFS[APP_TX_DATA_SIZE]; /* USER CODE BEGIN PRIVATE_VARIABLES */ /* USER CODE END PRIVATE_VARIABLES */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup USBD_CDC_IF_Exported_Variables USBD_CDC_IF_Exported_Variables * @brief Public variables. * @{ */ extern USBD_HandleTypeDef hUsbDeviceFS; /* USER CODE BEGIN EXPORTED_VARIABLES */ /* USER CODE END EXPORTED_VARIABLES */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup USBD_CDC_IF_Private_FunctionPrototypes USBD_CDC_IF_Private_FunctionPrototypes * @brief Private functions declaration. * @{ */ static int8_t CDC_Init_FS(void); static int8_t CDC_DeInit_FS(void); static int8_t CDC_Control_FS(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t* pbuf, uint16_t length); static int8_t CDC_Receive_FS(uint8_t* pbuf, uint32_t *Len); static int8_t CDC_TransmitCplt_FS(uint8_t *pbuf, uint32_t *Len, uint8_t epnum); /* USER CODE BEGIN PRIVATE_FUNCTIONS_DECLARATION */ /* USER CODE END PRIVATE_FUNCTIONS_DECLARATION */ /** * @} */ USBD_CDC_ItfTypeDef USBD_Interface_fops_FS = { CDC_Init_FS, CDC_DeInit_FS, CDC_Control_FS, CDC_Receive_FS, CDC_TransmitCplt_FS }; /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief Initializes the CDC media low layer over the FS USB IP * @retval USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL */ static int8_t CDC_Init_FS(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ /* Set Application Buffers */ USBD_CDC_SetTxBuffer(&hUsbDeviceFS, UserTxBufferFS, 0); USBD_CDC_SetRxBuffer(&hUsbDeviceFS, UserRxBufferFS); return (USBD_OK); /* USER CODE END 3 */ } /** * @brief DeInitializes the CDC media low layer * @retval USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL */ static int8_t CDC_DeInit_FS(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 4 */ return (USBD_OK); /* USER CODE END 4 */ } /** * @brief Manage the CDC class requests * @param cmd: Command code * @param pbuf: Buffer containing command data (request parameters) * @param length: Number of data to be sent (in bytes) * @retval Result of the operation: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL */ static int8_t CDC_Control_FS(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t* pbuf, uint16_t length) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 5 */ switch(cmd) { case CDC_SEND_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND: break; case CDC_GET_ENCAPSULATED_RESPONSE: break; case CDC_SET_COMM_FEATURE: break; case CDC_GET_COMM_FEATURE: break; case CDC_CLEAR_COMM_FEATURE: break; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Line Coding Structure */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Offset | Field | Size | Value | Description */ /* 0 | dwDTERate | 4 | Number |Data terminal rate, in bits per second*/ /* 4 | bCharFormat | 1 | Number | Stop bits */ /* 0 - 1 Stop bit */ /* 1 - 1.5 Stop bits */ /* 2 - 2 Stop bits */ /* 5 | bParityType | 1 | Number | Parity */ /* 0 - None */ /* 1 - Odd */ /* 2 - Even */ /* 3 - Mark */ /* 4 - Space */ /* 6 | bDataBits | 1 | Number Data bits (5, 6, 7, 8 or 16). */ /*******************************************************************************/ case CDC_SET_LINE_CODING: break; case CDC_GET_LINE_CODING: break; case CDC_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE: break; case CDC_SEND_BREAK: break; default: break; } return (USBD_OK); /* USER CODE END 5 */ } /** * @brief Data received over USB OUT endpoint are sent over CDC interface * through this function. * * @note * This function will issue a NAK packet on any OUT packet received on * USB endpoint until exiting this function. If you exit this function * before transfer is complete on CDC interface (ie. using DMA controller) * it will result in receiving more data while previous ones are still * not sent. * * @param Buf: Buffer of data to be received * @param Len: Number of data received (in bytes) * @retval Result of the operation: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL */ static int8_t CDC_Receive_FS(uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t *Len) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 6 */ USBD_CDC_SetRxBuffer(&hUsbDeviceFS, &Buf[0]); USBD_CDC_ReceivePacket(&hUsbDeviceFS); return (USBD_OK); /* USER CODE END 6 */ } /** * @brief CDC_Transmit_FS * Data to send over USB IN endpoint are sent over CDC interface * through this function. * @note * * * @param Buf: Buffer of data to be sent * @param Len: Number of data to be sent (in bytes) * @retval USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL or USBD_BUSY */ uint8_t CDC_Transmit_FS(uint8_t* Buf, uint16_t Len) { uint8_t result = USBD_OK; /* USER CODE BEGIN 7 */ USBD_CDC_HandleTypeDef *hcdc = (USBD_CDC_HandleTypeDef*)hUsbDeviceFS.pClassData; if (hcdc->TxState != 0){ return USBD_BUSY; } USBD_CDC_SetTxBuffer(&hUsbDeviceFS, Buf, Len); result = USBD_CDC_TransmitPacket(&hUsbDeviceFS); /* USER CODE END 7 */ return result; } /** * @brief CDC_TransmitCplt_FS * Data transmitted callback * * @note * This function is IN transfer complete callback used to inform user that * the submitted Data is successfully sent over USB. * * @param Buf: Buffer of data to be received * @param Len: Number of data received (in bytes) * @retval Result of the operation: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL */ static int8_t CDC_TransmitCplt_FS(uint8_t *Buf, uint32_t *Len, uint8_t epnum) { uint8_t result = USBD_OK; /* USER CODE BEGIN 13 */ UNUSED(Buf); UNUSED(Len); UNUSED(epnum); /* USER CODE END 13 */ return result; } /* USER CODE BEGIN PRIVATE_FUNCTIONS_IMPLEMENTATION */ /* USER CODE END PRIVATE_FUNCTIONS_IMPLEMENTATION */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */