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****************************(C) COPYRIGHT 2019 DJI****************************
* @file detect_task.c/h
* @brief detect error task, judged by receiving data time. provide detect
hook function, error exist function.
* 检测错误任务, 通过接收数据时间来判断.提供 检测钩子函数,错误存在函数.
* @note
* @history
* Version Date Author Modification
* V1.0.0 Dec-26-2018 RM 1. done
* V1.1.0 Nov-11-2019 RM 1. add oled, gyro accel and mag sensors
add a sensor
1. in detect_task.h, add the sensor name at the end of errorList,like
enum errorList
XXX_TOE, //new sensor
2.in detect_init function, add the offlineTime, onlinetime, priority params,like
uint16_t set_item[ERROR_LIST_LENGHT][3] =
{n,n,n}, //XX_TOE
3. if XXX_TOE has data_is_error_fun ,solve_lost_fun,solve_data_error_fun function,
please assign to function pointer.
4. when XXX_TOE sensor data come, add the function detect_hook(XXX_TOE) function.
enum errorList
XXX_TOE, //新设备
2.在detect_init函数,添加offlineTime, onlinetime, priority参数
uint16_t set_item[ERROR_LIST_LENGHT][3] =
{n,n,n}, //XX_TOE
3.如果有data_is_error_fun ,solve_lost_fun,solve_data_error_fun函数赋值到函数指针
4.在XXX_TOE设备数据来的时候, 添加函数detect_hook(XXX_TOE).
****************************(C) COPYRIGHT 2019 DJI****************************
#include "error_detect.h"
#include "user_task.h"
#include "r12ds.h"
#include "nuc.h"
* @brief init error_list, assign offline_time, online_time, priority.
* @param[in] time: system time
* @retval none
* @brief 初始化error_list,赋值 offline_time, online_time, priority
* @param[in] time:系统时间
* @retval none
static void detect_init(uint32_t time);
error_t error_list[ERROR_LIST_LENGHT + 1];
* @brief 检测任务
* @param[in] pvParameters: NULL
* @retval none
uint8_t online_dev;
void Task_error_detect(void *argument){
(void)argument; /* 未使用argument消除警告 */
const uint32_t delay_tick = osKernelGetTickFreq() / TASK_FREQ_ERROR_DTC;
static uint32_t system_time;
system_time = xTaskGetTickCount();
online_dev =0;
//wait a time.空闲一段时间
uint32_t tick = osKernelGetTickCount(); /*控制任务运行频率的计时 */
while (1)
static uint8_t error_num_display = 0;
system_time = xTaskGetTickCount();
error_num_display = ERROR_LIST_LENGHT;
error_list[ERROR_LIST_LENGHT].is_lost = 0;
error_list[ERROR_LIST_LENGHT].error_exist = 0;
//若所有设备在线,会不断翻转绿灯 存在设备离线则会红灯灯翻转
if(online_dev == ERROR_LIST_LENGHT)
else HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOH,LED_R_Pin);
for (int i = 0; i < ERROR_LIST_LENGHT; i++)
if(i == 0) online_dev=0; //每次重新开始循环检测时需要重置在线设备
//disable, continue
if (error_list[i].enable == 0)
//judge offline.判断掉线
if (system_time - error_list[i].new_time > error_list[i].set_offline_time)
if (error_list[i].error_exist == 0)
//record error and time
error_list[i].is_lost = 1;
error_list[i].error_exist = 1;
error_list[i].lost_time = system_time;
//judge the priority,save the highest priority ,
//判断错误优先级, 保存优先级最高的错误码
if (error_list[i].priority > error_list[error_num_display].priority)
error_num_display = i;
error_list[ERROR_LIST_LENGHT].is_lost = 1;
error_list[ERROR_LIST_LENGHT].error_exist = 1;
//if solve_lost_fun != NULL, run it
if (error_list[i].solve_lost_fun != NULL)
else if (system_time - error_list[i].work_time < error_list[i].set_online_time)
//just online, maybe unstable, only record
error_list[i].is_lost = 0;
error_list[i].error_exist = 1;
error_list[i].is_lost = 0;
//judge if exist data error
if (error_list[i].data_is_error != NULL)
error_list[i].error_exist = 1;
error_list[i].error_exist = 0;
//calc frequency
if (error_list[i].new_time > error_list[i].last_time)
error_list[i].frequency = configTICK_RATE_HZ / (fp32)(error_list[i].new_time - error_list[i].last_time);
tick += delay_tick; /*计算下一个唤醒时刻*/
osDelayUntil(tick); /*绝对延时 等待下一个唤醒时刻 */
* @brief 获取设备对应的错误状态
* @param[in] toe:设备目录
* @retval true(错误) 或者false(没错误)
bool_t toe_is_error(uint8_t toe)
return (error_list[toe].error_exist == 1);
* @brief 记录时间
* @param[in] toe:设备目录
* @retval none
void detect_hook(uint8_t toe)
error_list[toe].last_time = error_list[toe].new_time;
error_list[toe].new_time = xTaskGetTickCount();
if (error_list[toe].is_lost)
error_list[toe].is_lost = 0;
error_list[toe].work_time = error_list[toe].new_time;
if (error_list[toe].data_is_error_fun != NULL)
if (error_list[toe].data_is_error_fun())
error_list[toe].error_exist = 1;
error_list[toe].data_is_error = 1;
if (error_list[toe].solve_data_error_fun != NULL)
error_list[toe].data_is_error = 0;
error_list[toe].data_is_error = 0;
* @brief 得到错误列表
* @param[in] none
* @retval error_list的指针
const error_t *get_error_list_point(void)
return error_list;
static void detect_init(uint32_t time)
//设置离线时间,上线稳定工作时间,优先级 offlineTime onlinetime priority
uint16_t set_item[ERROR_LIST_LENGHT][3] =
// {150, 150, 15}, //NUC
// {30, 30, 10}, //motor1
// {30, 30, 10}, //motor2
// {30, 30, 10}, //motor3
// {30, 30, 10}, //motor4
// {30, 30, 10}, //motor5
{15, 5, 7}, //board gyro
{15, 5, 7}, //board accel
{20, 10, 7}, //rm imu
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ERROR_LIST_LENGHT; i++)
error_list[i].set_offline_time = set_item[i][0];
error_list[i].set_online_time = set_item[i][1];
error_list[i].priority = set_item[i][2];
error_list[i].data_is_error_fun = NULL;
error_list[i].solve_lost_fun = NULL;
error_list[i].solve_data_error_fun = NULL;
error_list[i].enable = 1;
error_list[i].error_exist = 1;
error_list[i].is_lost = 1;
error_list[i].data_is_error = 1;
error_list[i].frequency = 0.0f;
error_list[i].new_time = time;
error_list[i].last_time = time;
error_list[i].lost_time = time;
error_list[i].work_time = time;
// error_list[NUC_TOE].solve_lost_fun = NUC_HandleOffline;
// error_list[DBUSTOE].dataIsErrorFun = RC_data_is_error;